Sunday, July 29, 2012

Amy's Graduation Celebration

I was lucky enough to be up in Connecticut and able to help with my beautiful new sister's college graduation party! We're all extremely proud of Amy and couldn't wait to celebrate this milestone with her. Seeing as she got an amazing job offer the day before the party was thrown, the future's looking pretty bright for her and she had the decor to match! Neon kept the backyard sunny, despite the cloud cover and we had some fantastic food and tons of family and friends around to help us revel in Amy's successes!
 Congratulatory banner

 Tissue paper poms everywhere! 
(They unfortunately didn't survive the showers later in the day. 40% chance of rain my eye!)

 Colorful bunting to liven up the tent!

Hand decorated mason jars and fun bright flowers gave lots of color! 

 Piroulines + shoestring candy = diplomas!

 Custom colorful cupcake stands! 

 Amy decorated the cupcakes with homemade edible glitter - so fun and tasty! 

Our cousin, Abby, got married the night before and Amy wanted to be sure to include them in the congratulatory festivities! So happy for them!!! 
(The rainstorm trounced the banner and later ended up reading "O RATS Abby & Jeff, but we won't take that as any sort of omen! You can't make this stuff up!)

Couldn't have had more fun planning this great celebration with Miss Amy and love her sweet review -